an interesting question: how can an
ordinary guy, with no previous experience,
become extremely successful in making money
on the web?
What does it take, to leave your frustrating day
job, which you hate so much and earn substantial amounts of money online, all
the time?
Let me be very straightforward with you: today, I‘m very successful at what I
I‘m working from my home and 100% of my income comes from one source – the
Needless to say, I‘m very happy doing what I do, earning what I earn and
living the life that I live.
However, this has not always been the case…
After a lot of hesitations, I decided to tell it all and openly share with the
world both the keys to my miserable failures and the secrets of my eventual
These insights are priceless for anyone who wants to succeed online; reading
them can help you avoid the same obstacles that I had to overcome and practice
the same keys for success that I used.
You may read it as a personal success story, but some people will surely see
it as some sort of a guide or a road map, that may help them become successful
Why am I stripping myself naked, this way?
Good question.
I'm not even sure that I have a good answer for that.
This guide is free, so obviously I‘m not doing it for the money.
I‘m also not doing it for personal fame or because I wish to show off or rub
my success in your face.
Let‘s put it this way: I have no doubt that there are thousands of people
(maybe even much more) just like me, who faced the same problems, the same
agonizing frustrations and the same yearning for a much better financial
future, who can benefit a lot from my story and my experience.
I guess that I‘m doing it for them.
I‘m doing it for the ‘little guy,’ who works in a low paying, boring, dead end
job and feels that he deserves much better.
That‘s exactly the guy that I was just a few years back.
Although I don‘t have any rational explanation for this, I have this urge to
educate and inspire unhappy people. I want to let them know that there is an
alternative, there is a practical way to make it all work, to put their
disappointments behind them and move toward to real success - on the Internet.
My story is not just an inspirational mumbo jumbo piece.
I‘m putting all the cards on the table and I‘m letting you know everything:
who am I; my background; all the things that led me to failure after failure,
but also - all the things that turned me into a successful person.
First, in order to get to know me better, let me share a couple of words about
Next Chapter:
Who am I? A couple of words about myself
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