now hold in my hands years of moneymaking experience on the Internet.
Since I'm not exactly Einstein, it has always
puzzled me how I did so well, while so many others, who tried, failed
miserably to succeed earning a decent permanent income on the net.
This question occupied me for years and I found the answer gradually, after
talking both to other successful home based business people like me and to
people who tried to succeed online, but failed.
I believe that now I have a pretty good answer to this question and here's a
summary of the reasons that lead many to online disappointments.
Unrealistic Expectations
A lot of people expect to become ”millionaires” instantly or barely after
two-three days of online learning and work.
When these two-three days are over and when they see that they're not
millionaires yet, they feel cheated, betrayed and they think that the entire
”Internet thing” is a vicious scam.
Then, they usually stop their efforts and go back to their previous offline
of Willingness to Invest Time
Becoming an online success, takes both time and hard work.
In most cases, it's a gradual process, where you have to do some reading,
learn, digest and then, put into practice what you've learned.
Successful web entrepreneurs usually fail in their first couple of tries, but
then, after some fine tuning of their skills and performance, they start to
achieve some initial small successes.
After a while, they start to increase their success even further and only then
- gradually, pace after pace, they get closer to the Holy Grail, which means
seeing some serious money from their online activities.
A lot of people don't invest the necessary time resources to properly learn
the territory, master it, experiment and improve their results.
This happens for various reasons, such as lack of enough free time, lack of
willpower and sometimes even sheer laziness.
Either way, it leads many to throw in the towel at very early stages,
Misperception of the Internet
A lot of beginners have a false perception of the net.
Sometimes, they wrongly see it as some kind of a magical, fairyland type
place, where you can earn lots of money very easily and get rich pretty
quickly, without investing the necessary hard work and efforts.
Instead of seeing the net as another business environment, where many of the
”old rules” of business still apply, they adopt a distorted view, which
doesn't go hand in hand with reality.
When they find out that making money online is not ”that” easy and that they
didn't become rich ”quick” enough, they usually get frustrated, angry and then
go back to their usual routine, outside the web.
of Enough Knowledge
In order to actually succeed online, people need to KNOW how to make money on
the web.
Getting this knowledge requires learning, research and proper self-education.
Without getting this crucial guidance and without properly studying the
know-how of this business, it's very hard to become productive and successful
– just like in any other business sector.
Some people jump too high too fast, without having the right tools in their
toolbox, instead of adopting a safer and more prudent policy of gradual
progress, which combines learning and practicing, one step after the other.
People can feel very comfortable when they invest tens of thousands of dollars
in college tuition fee in order to get a degree that, in some cases, they will
never use.
Yet, many find it extremely difficult to invest $50 or $100 in a high quality
ebook, which will drastically shorten their learning curve and teach them in
just a few hours or days, valuable material that would otherwise take months
to master.
This close fisted attitude and the reluctance to invest relatively small
amounts of money in one of the most crucial factors for online success - one's
education and training - leads to a much longer learning curve and stalls
one's results and success.
in Handling Obstacles
Just like beginners in any other business niche, people who try to start
online business activities, face obstacles, difficulties and problems.
This happens to anybody who has too little knowledge or experience and most
newbies face difficulties right from their first step.
In many cases, instead of increasing their energy and overcoming these
obstacles, finding out what did they do wrong or where they have made
mistakes, people just give up and quit their efforts.
The Internet is loaded with real opportunities, which actually work.
Although it's wrong to be naïve and gullible, being the complete opposite of
that, in an excessive way, can also prevent a lot of people from succeeding.
Some rookies tend to develop a stubborn habit of dismissing almost any good
opportunity or method, due to their over skepticism or mistrust, instead of
actually giving good ideas a decent chance and trying them out.
Next Chapter:
Now, let's examine what it takes to succeed
making money on the net.
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