The Net is packed with opportunities that
present tempting promises, claims and
even “guarantees” that you'll
make a lot of money.
But how much money can you
really make online?
The following article offers
some hype free answers!
Pre beginners usually have very little information on
how to actually make money on the web.
Since they're in their initial training period, busy learning the ropes,
they're not making money at all (yet).
Beginners are people who did some very basic learning and started to
experiment with various programs and opportunities.
They're still in their basic training phase, but they start moving from words
to action and gain some first successes and confidence.
People who belong to this group usually make between $0 to a few tens of
dollars per month.
If they're able to bring themselves to move to the next level in the food
chain within a couple of weeks, they're in the game.
If they don't, that's the phase where they usually say goodbye to the net, in
terms of an income source and look for their fortune offline.
Does the term “Advanced Beginners” sound like a contradiction to you?
Well, there actually is such a thing.
People at this level are starting to get a clearer picture of how to make
money, after they already tested various programs and methods.
They now have a much better understanding of how the web works in terms of
earning money and they start to develop a more effective and coherent strategy
for their online activities.
People in this group usually make between a few hundred to a thousand dollars
per month.
Some naturally talented people make even more – but they're in the minority.
The people who belong to this group are deep in the game and they're here
to stay.
They already know a lot and their online activities are their main business.
Their sites or activities are generating high revenues and their focus is on
how to preserve what they have already achieved and evolve and grow even
further, by duplicating their successful formulas.
Members of this group usually make around $5,000 - $10,000 per month.
Money Makers
Experts are at the top of the online business chain.
They own successful online businesses and they have the knowledge, the skills
and the experience needed to maintain and expand their empire.
Members in this group generate five to six figure monthly incomes.